Saturday, October 19, 2013

Savage Willis

I pinup I just drew for a benefit commission with Bruce Willis as the model. The character is Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, published by Image Comics. Comes with my highest recommendation.


  1. It's always good to see you posting new work.

    I never really followed Savage Dragon, although I am aware of who the character is. What is it that you like about the Savage Dragon series? I've looked at it on several different occasions. It's just never grabbed me, though.

    As far as Bruce Willis as Savage Dragon, I think that the one that you did, before, had a stronger resemblance to Bruce Willis than this new rendition. I am referring to the one in your deviantArt galeryy, located at the following link:

    1. Yeah, I took more liberties with the facial anatomy on this one, especially in the brow and square chin. I like this one better because of the progression in the inking in my opinion.

      I've always been a huge fan of Erik Larsen. His design and layout of the page is impeccable, even if his art doesn't appeal to you. I just love his art. The way he draws facial expressions, action sequences, and his inking is always creative and progressing.
